A couple of days after visiting Carlsbad I downloaded my photos and I came across these two of a formation called “The Witches Finger.”
As I walked away from the witches finger, I turned around to snap another photo. Do you see a form of a witch? Yeah, it gave me chills too.
As we were driving through Texas on our way to San Antonio we renamed Highway 285 to the “Spider Highway.” As we were cruising along, we kept noticing these large black spots on the road. As Brian slowed so I could take a closer look, I surprised him with a big, “Ewwwww!” As it turned out, those large black spots were actually tarantulas!! There were dozens of them crossing the road and it was almost impossible to dodge them all. Brian wanted to catch a couple but I wouldn’t have them any where near me let alone in the same vehicle so he settled for a picture. The Duck wins!
I'm way behind on my blogging. We've had a lot going on the last few days so keep checking back as we try to catch up.
Give yourself a hug for us, B & D